Friday, March 21, 2014

Cause I love you

A few weeks ago I was pouring over some financial goals I was working on when I felt led to talk to my Father God about it.  My prayer went something like this " Dear God, I am trying to honor you with my finances.  You see the bigger picture and all but I am sitting here thinking I could really use $200. You know what I really need and so I want to trust you but here is my heart..." I sat there smiling afterwards feeling oddly at peace and (shamefully) thinking yes, God could but why would He need to?
Yesterday in the middle of my afternoon sessions, the postman came to the door with a box of things I had ordered.  On the top was my stack of mail, fliers, bills and a pretty yellow envelope with my name on it.  I couldn't wait till the session was over so I tore it open and guess what fell out! A check made out to me in the amount of $200!  In the memo the sender had written "cause I love you".
Now I am not trying to over spiritualize or embarrass the sender but this to me was my miracle straight from God.  Not only did He answer in exactly the way I had requested He sent me a message in the memo also.
He doesn't always answer my prayers in this way but this time He knew how very much I needed that message at that exact moment and just because not only does the sender love me but the God who created the universe loves me and enjoys blessing me with fun things.

In other "news" spring really may be coming after all!  Yippie Skippie!

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