Friday, February 7, 2014

The Epilogue....Healing

It has been one week since I wrote the heaviest material I have ever penned.
One amazing week. One beautiful week filled with healing that I didn't even know I needed. One week of take your breath away moments with my husband spent recovering, as it were, from the years of pain that had put up huge walls in our marriage, walls that I didn't even know existed.
It hasn't been all glorious.  There has been pain and lots of tears. There have definitely been a lot of moments of humbling and swallowing pride and fear.
I wish I could have been bold right away and sought out the healing help I so desparetly needed right then and there.  But that's how pain often works.  We hide.  We fear.  We suffer and so do all the relationships around us.
God is so amazing and is waiting to bring us healing and growth if we can only put aside ourselves and our inhibitions and fears of the what ifs. My story and the walk thru my personal healing is just beginning and I am not all that excited about the things yet to come, but I am confident that God will continue to walk beside me every step of the journey.
I want to thank each one of you who have been praying for me this week and  for the meaningful words and heartfelt encouragement.  Last week's blog was my most read ever.  That blows me away. Others have been expressing their hidden pain to me and are now starting their process too.  This is how Christ's body is supposed to work.  When someone is hurting, the others in the body hurt too. "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ"
Thanks for not passing judgement and for helping to spear head the process of my first step in this painful journey. Thank you for continuing to pray for the steps I still have to take and that I may be able to pass along Christ's love to the ones who are expressing their own needs of healing.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart....

 This picture is not my work.  The title of it struck me.  It is simply entitled "Healing Peace"

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